Passagen zwischen Ankünften
invited by Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film
Vitrina, Brunnenpassage
12.12. - 10.02.2025, Vienna, AT
Erntedankfest Joyeuses moissons, LLS Paleis
17.11. - 22.12. Antwerp, BE
Parcours d’artistes Ixelles, SAFFCA
11.09. - 15.09. Brussels, BE
Floating Cinema - Unknown Waters, Cinema Galleggiante
24.08. Venice, IT
Deep Rivers Run Silent, organised by Meno Avilys, program Redux Code curated by Rupert
07.08. Vilnius, LT
Film Screening II, Kino Lumbardhi, curated by Elsamina Musiq and Xhulian Millaj
12.07. Prizren, XK
Solitude and Multitude, Ekrani i artit, Art House
09.06. Shkodra, AL
Belgium Art Contest, Botanique
15.12. - 20.02.2024 Brussels, BE
Anti / Monumental, Marble stone quarry Untersberg
05.08. Salzburg, AT
Përpara, Scanning the region, Galeria 17, curated by Ilir Bajri
24.01. - 24.03. Prishtina, XK
A Glittering Ruin Sucked Upwards, Gosset Site, curated by Yann Chateigné Tytelman
02.12. - 29.01.2023 Brussels, BE
Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation, Statenpassage Tweede Kamer, curated by Radek Vana
24.11. - 13.01.2023 The Hague, NL
Open Studios, Higher Institute of Fine Arts
13.05. - 16.05. Gent, BE
Architects of Identity, the Orchid and the Wasps, NDSM Fuse, curated by Maud Oonk
05.05. - 29.05. Amstedam, NL
Loop Barcelona, Galerie Ron Mandos
16.11. - 18.11. Barcelona, ES
Visite #9 We fight back, Het Bos, curated by De Imagerie 11.11. - 14.11. Antwerpen, BE
Frans Masereel Centrum
22.10. - 29.10. Kasterlee, BE
Kaleidoskop. Fragmente. Im Kino: INSIGHT (FAST FORWARD), LE STUDIO Film und Bühne, invited by CineCollective
05.01. Vienna, AT
Open Studios, Higher Institute of Fine Arts
17.09. - 20.09. Gent, BE
Spacial Disruption, SIGN
18.07. - 31.08. Groningen, NL
The HISK Affair, Gosset site
24.06. - 18.07. Brussels, BE
PUT YOUR FINGER, Galerie Emilia Filly
18.06. - 13.07. Usti Nad Labem, CZ
Diagonale 21’, Festival of Austrian Film
08.06. - 13.06. Graz, AT
Inframince infra-mince infra mince, Heiligenkreuzerhof, curated by Gudrun Ratzinger und Franz Thalmair
12.05. - 02.07. Vienna, AT
Open Day, Gerrit Rietveld Academie
29.01. Amsterdam, NL (online)
IFFBHLA, Bosnia-Herzegowina Looks Around
11.11. - 18.11. Bottrop, DE (online)
Started ‘20, Coronadisplay at Berlinskej Model, organised by Pavel Vančat, with Lenka Glisnikova and Oded Arad
30.10. - 03.11. Prag, CZ
CHANGE, Fondation Francès
17.09. - 23.12. Senlis, FR
TIFF, Tirana International Film Festival
19.09. - 25.09. Tirana, AL (online)
Manifesta 13 Les Parallèles du Sud,
28.08. - 19.09. Marseille, FR
Traces, Manifesta 13 Les Parallèles du Sud,
10.07. - 27.08. Marseille, FR
05.08. - 13.08. Prizren, XK (online)
Kaleidoskop 2020. Fragmente. Film und Freiluft am Karlsplatz
26.06. - 17.07. Vienna, AT
Distance #1, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4-8, invited by Alex Murray,
07.03. Belgrade, SR
Jong Talent, Artphy
18.01. - 08.03. Onstwedde, NL
Startpoint Prize, Arti et Amicitiae,
31.01. - 01.03. Amsterdam, NL
Startpoint Prize, Kovomat, Krenova 6
11.12. - 19.12. Brno, CZ
Startpoint Prize, Holesovicka trznice, Hala 17 12.12. - 19.01. Prague, CZ
Best of Graduate, Galerie Ron Mandos
27.07. - 31.08. Amsterdam, NL
As If Biting Iron, Gerrit Rietveld Academie
03.07. - 07.07. Amsterdam, NL
Kajetan, Kinkerstraat 80, invited by Kajetan Uranitsch
15.06. Amsterdam, NL
Take a Walk in the Wild Side. Fabulating Alternative Imaginaries in Art and Life, Rietveld Uncut, Stedelijk Museum
27.03. - 30.03. Amsterdam, NL
My Dreams Collection, M4 Gastatelier, with Maria Nolla and Johan Roelofs
22.03. - 29.03. Amsterdam, NL
Schnee von Gestern, Rietveld Pavillion,
with Tim Neutel und Michael Broschmann
17.02. - 24.02. Amsterdam, NL
Aquarell Room, Show me tomorrow, I will go there, invited by HISK Laureates
22.11. - 16.12. Gent, BE
Goodbye, Wotruba Atelier,
Rustenschacherallee 2-4,
20.06. - 22.06. Vienna, AT
Noisy Walls, Tourniairestraat 1/3, organised by
Michael Broschmann, Lukasz Matuszewski,
Emma Nantermoz, Johan Roleofs
20.05. - 24.05. Amsterdam, NL
Titanic, Gerrit Rietveld Academie,
27.02. Amsterdam, NL
Afa Nubuke Wa, Project Lab, organised by Baerbel Muelle and Jürgen Strohmayer invited by Nubuke Foundation Ghana
03.05. - 28.09. Research
01.09. - 20.09. Field Research, Ghana, Wa, GH
Stephanie Rizaj, Cafe Else, invited by
Roland Schweizer
10.08. - 11.10. Vienna, AT
Grenzerfahrungen, Alte Post, curated by
Angela Stief, in the context of The Essence 17
28.06. - 11.07. Vienna, AT
Ende Gelände, Westbahnstrasse 56,
organised by Conny Frischauf
24.06. Vienna, AT
Afa Lagos Legacy, organised by Baerbel Mueller, Stefanie Theuretzbacher and Legacy 1995, Nigerian Railway Compound in Ebute-Metta
25.02. Lagos, NG
City Rules II; Lichtenberg Studios,
organised by Roman Pfeffer
22.10. - 29.10. Berlin, DE
How to be trained as an artist, open house,
University of Applied Arts Vienna
20.10. Vienna, AT
Parallel Vienna, Alte Post,
invited by Tim Hartmann
21.09. - 25.09. Vienna, AT
MUD, Alte Post, curated by Sarah Ortmeyer, in the context of The Essence 16
01.07. - 15.07. Vienna, AT
Juxtapositionen, Salon für Kunstbuch im 21er Haus, organised by Franz Thalmair
25.05. - 12.06. Vienna, AT
EXPO 2005/Istanbul Modern,
curated by E++,
01.11. Istanbul, TR more
Curtainwall, open house,
University of Applied Arts Vienna,
22.10. Vienna, AT
Some is Missing, Künstlerhaus,
organised by David Moises, in the context of
The Essence 15, with Luca Kieser,
26.06. - 12.07. Vienna, AT
M-Raum, Galerie Kunstbuero,
13.05. - 28.05. Vienna, AT
Austrian Fashion Auction, Vienna MQ Fashion Week, invited by Austrian Fashion Association
09.09. Vienna, AT
Symbioza, organised by EASA European Architecture Student Association
19.07. - 03.10. Velico Tarnovo, BG
Sworn Virgin, PARK-Concept Store
26.06. - 10.06. Vienna, AT
LastShow, Grelle Forelle
13.06. Vienna, AT
Frühlingserwachen, Best of Mode, Kammerspiele
22.03. Linz, AT
Van der Raum, Samstag Shop, Margaretenstrasse 46
14.06. - 27.06. Vienna, AT
Behind the Scenes, Neubaugasse 44, organised by Eva Zar
07.06. - 13.06. Vienna, AT
BFGU-BUNKA Fashion Show
02.03. Tokyo, JP
Rudolfsheim obersation, Reuenthalgasse, invited by Madeleine Nostitz-Rienech, in the context of Wir sind Wien Festival der Bezirke
01.06. - 23.06. Vienna, AT
Azubis 02 present the convention, Marx Media Vienna, organised by fabrics_interseason, curated by Jakob Lena Knebl, Salvatore Viviano, Tanja Widmann and Maria Ziegelböck
01.06. Vienna, AT
Passagen zwischen Ankünften
invited by Diagonale, Festival of Austrian Film
Vitrina, Brunnenpassage
12.12. - 10.02.2025, Vienna, AT
Erntedankfest Joyeuses moissons, LLS Paleis
17.11. - 22.12. Antwerp, BE
Parcours d’artistes Ixelles, SAFFCA
11.09. - 15.09. Brussels, BE
Floating Cinema - Unknown Waters, Cinema Galleggiante
24.08. Venice, IT
Deep Rivers Run Silent, organised by Meno Avilys, program Redux Code curated by Rupert
07.08. Vilnius, LT
Film Screening II, Kino Lumbardhi, curated by Elsamina Musiq and Xhulian Millaj
12.07. Prizren, XK
Solitude and Multitude, Ekrani i artit, Art House
09.06. Shkodra, AL
Belgium Art Contest, Botanique
15.12. - 20.02.2024 Brussels, BE
Anti / Monumental, Marble stone quarry Untersberg
05.08. Salzburg, AT
Përpara, Scanning the region, Galeria 17, curated by Ilir Bajri
24.01. - 24.03. Prishtina, XK
A Glittering Ruin Sucked Upwards, Gosset Site, curated by Yann Chateigné Tytelman
02.12. - 29.01.2023 Brussels, BE
Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation, Statenpassage Tweede Kamer, curated by Radek Vana
24.11. - 13.01.2023 The Hague, NL
Open Studios, Higher Institute of Fine Arts
13.05. - 16.05. Gent, BE
Architects of Identity, the Orchid and the Wasps, NDSM Fuse, curated by Maud Oonk
05.05. - 29.05. Amstedam, NL
Loop Barcelona, Galerie Ron Mandos
16.11. - 18.11. Barcelona, ES
Visite #9 We fight back, Het Bos, curated by De Imagerie 11.11. - 14.11. Antwerpen, BE
Frans Masereel Centrum
22.10. - 29.10. Kasterlee, BE
Kaleidoskop. Fragmente. Im Kino: INSIGHT (FAST FORWARD), LE STUDIO Film und Bühne, invited by CineCollective
05.01. Vienna, AT
Open Studios, Higher Institute of Fine Arts
17.09. - 20.09. Gent, BE
Spacial Disruption, SIGN
18.07. - 31.08. Groningen, NL
The HISK Affair, Gosset site
24.06. - 18.07. Brussels, BE
PUT YOUR FINGER, Galerie Emilia Filly
18.06. - 13.07. Usti Nad Labem, CZ
Diagonale 21’, Festival of Austrian Film
08.06. - 13.06. Graz, AT
Inframince infra-mince infra mince, Heiligenkreuzerhof, curated by Gudrun Ratzinger und Franz Thalmair
12.05. - 02.07. Vienna, AT
Open Day, Gerrit Rietveld Academie
29.01. Amsterdam, NL (online)
IFFBHLA, Bosnia-Herzegowina Looks Around
11.11. - 18.11. Bottrop, DE (online)
Started ‘20, Coronadisplay at Berlinskej Model, organised by Pavel Vančat, with Lenka Glisnikova and Oded Arad
30.10. - 03.11. Prag, CZ
CHANGE, Fondation Francès
17.09. - 23.12. Senlis, FR
TIFF, Tirana International Film Festival
19.09. - 25.09. Tirana, AL (online)
Manifesta 13 Les Parallèles du Sud,
28.08. - 19.09. Marseille, FR
Traces, Manifesta 13 Les Parallèles du Sud,
10.07. - 27.08. Marseille, FR
05.08. - 13.08. Prizren, XK (online)
Kaleidoskop 2020. Fragmente. Film und Freiluft am Karlsplatz
26.06. - 17.07. Vienna, AT
Distance #1, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4-8, invited by Alex Murray,
07.03. Belgrade, SR
Jong Talent, Artphy
18.01. - 08.03. Onstwedde, NL
Startpoint Prize, Arti et Amicitiae,
31.01. - 01.03. Amsterdam, NL
Startpoint Prize, Kovomat, Krenova 6
11.12. - 19.12. Brno, CZ
Startpoint Prize, Holesovicka trznice, Hala 17 12.12. - 19.01. Prague, CZ
Best of Graduate, Galerie Ron Mandos
27.07. - 31.08. Amsterdam, NL
As If Biting Iron, Gerrit Rietveld Academie
03.07. - 07.07. Amsterdam, NL
Kajetan, Kinkerstraat 80, invited by Kajetan Uranitsch
15.06. Amsterdam, NL
Take a Walk in the Wild Side. Fabulating Alternative Imaginaries in Art and Life, Rietveld Uncut, Stedelijk Museum
27.03. - 30.03. Amsterdam, NL
My Dreams Collection, M4 Gastatelier, with Maria Nolla and Johan Roelofs
22.03. - 29.03. Amsterdam, NL
Schnee von Gestern, Rietveld Pavillion,
with Tim Neutel und Michael Broschmann
17.02. - 24.02. Amsterdam, NL
Aquarell Room, Show me tomorrow, I will go there, invited by HISK Laureates
22.11. - 16.12. Gent, BE
Goodbye, Wotruba Atelier,
Rustenschacherallee 2-4,
20.06. - 22.06. Vienna, AT
Noisy Walls, Tourniairestraat 1/3, organised by
Michael Broschmann, Lukasz Matuszewski,
Emma Nantermoz, Johan Roleofs
20.05. - 24.05. Amsterdam, NL
Titanic, Gerrit Rietveld Academie,
27.02. Amsterdam, NL
Afa Nubuke Wa, Project Lab, organised by Baerbel Muelle and Jürgen Strohmayer invited by Nubuke Foundation Ghana
03.05. - 28.09. Research
01.09. - 20.09. Field Research, Ghana, Wa, GH
Stephanie Rizaj, Cafe Else, invited by
Roland Schweizer
10.08. - 11.10. Vienna, AT
Grenzerfahrungen, Alte Post, curated by
Angela Stief, in the context of The Essence 17
28.06. - 11.07. Vienna, AT
Ende Gelände, Westbahnstrasse 56,
organised by Conny Frischauf
24.06. Vienna, AT
Afa Lagos Legacy, organised by Baerbel Mueller, Stefanie Theuretzbacher and Legacy 1995, Nigerian Railway Compound in Ebute-Metta
25.02. Lagos, NG
City Rules II; Lichtenberg Studios,
organised by Roman Pfeffer
22.10. - 29.10. Berlin, DE
How to be trained as an artist, open house,
University of Applied Arts Vienna
20.10. Vienna, AT
Parallel Vienna, Alte Post,
invited by Tim Hartmann
21.09. - 25.09. Vienna, AT
MUD, Alte Post, curated by Sarah Ortmeyer, in the context of The Essence 16
01.07. - 15.07. Vienna, AT
Juxtapositionen, Salon für Kunstbuch im 21er Haus, organised by Franz Thalmair
25.05. - 12.06. Vienna, AT
EXPO 2005/Istanbul Modern,
curated by E++,
01.11. Istanbul, TR more
Curtainwall, open house,
University of Applied Arts Vienna,
22.10. Vienna, AT
Some is Missing, Künstlerhaus,
organised by David Moises, in the context of
The Essence 15, with Luca Kieser,
26.06. - 12.07. Vienna, AT
M-Raum, Galerie Kunstbuero,
13.05. - 28.05. Vienna, AT
Austrian Fashion Auction, Vienna MQ Fashion Week, invited by Austrian Fashion Association
09.09. Vienna, AT
Symbioza, organised by EASA European Architecture Student Association
19.07. - 03.10. Velico Tarnovo, BG
Sworn Virgin, PARK-Concept Store
26.06. - 10.06. Vienna, AT
LastShow, Grelle Forelle
13.06. Vienna, AT
Frühlingserwachen, Best of Mode, Kammerspiele
22.03. Linz, AT
Van der Raum, Samstag Shop, Margaretenstrasse 46
14.06. - 27.06. Vienna, AT
Behind the Scenes, Neubaugasse 44, organised by Eva Zar
07.06. - 13.06. Vienna, AT
BFGU-BUNKA Fashion Show
02.03. Tokyo, JP
Rudolfsheim obersation, Reuenthalgasse, invited by Madeleine Nostitz-Rienech, in the context of Wir sind Wien Festival der Bezirke
01.06. - 23.06. Vienna, AT
Azubis 02 present the convention, Marx Media Vienna, organised by fabrics_interseason, curated by Jakob Lena Knebl, Salvatore Viviano, Tanja Widmann and Maria Ziegelböck
01.06. Vienna, AT
Public collections
Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, BE
Merode, Ronse, BE
Voorlinden Museum, The Hague, NL
Wien Museum, Vienna, AT
Theodor Körner Prize, AT
Startpoint Prize, EU
Ron Mandos Young Blood Award, NL
Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, BE
Merode, Ronse, BE
Voorlinden Museum, The Hague, NL
Wien Museum, Vienna, AT
Theodor Körner Prize, AT
Startpoint Prize, EU
Ron Mandos Young Blood Award, NL
A Glittering Ruin Sucked Upward.
HISK laureates 2022. 2023
HISK Edition. Commissioned by the Higher Institute of Fine Arts. Belgium, 2022
Diagonale ‘21, Festival des Österreichischen Films
Der Czernin Verlag, 2021
ISBN: 9783707607215
inframince | infra-mince | infra mince
TransArts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna
De Gruyter Verlag, 2021
ISBN: 9783110724189
Diagonale ‘20, Festival des Österreichischen Films
Der Czernin Verlag, 2020
ISBN: 978370760688
Thoughts on Work. A Nihilistic Sadness with a Dash of Exuberance. Stephanie Rizaj, 2019
A Glittering Ruin Sucked Upward.
HISK laureates 2022. 2023
HISK Edition. Commissioned by the Higher Institute of Fine Arts. Belgium, 2022
Diagonale ‘21, Festival des Österreichischen Films
Der Czernin Verlag, 2021
ISBN: 9783707607215
inframince | infra-mince | infra mince
TransArts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna
De Gruyter Verlag, 2021
ISBN: 9783110724189
Diagonale ‘20, Festival des Österreichischen Films
Der Czernin Verlag, 2020
ISBN: 978370760688
Thoughts on Work. A Nihilistic Sadness with a Dash of Exuberance. Stephanie Rizaj, 2019
2021 - 2022
HISK, Higher Institute of Fine Arts,
Gent, BE
2017 - 2019
Fine Arts, Gerrit Rietveld Academie,
Amsterdam, NL
2015 - 2018
TransArts, University of Applied Arts,
Vienna, AT
2021 - 2022
HISK, Higher Institute of Fine Arts,
Gent, BE
2017 - 2019
Fine Arts, Gerrit Rietveld Academie,
Amsterdam, NL
2015 - 2018
TransArts, University of Applied Arts,
Vienna, AT